There are a variety of reasons why a person voluntarily disappears including mental illness, depression, substance abuse, credit problems, abusive relationships, or marital discord. 

In Vancouver over 5000 people are missing every year and in over 99% of those cases, the people are located.


In Vancouver, approximately 80% of all reported missing persons are found or voluntarily return within 48 to 72 hours. Not all adult missing persons are the victims of kidnapping, murders, or some other criminal act.

When families and friends are unable to locate a loved one for a longer period of time there can be feelings of desperation and unresolved loss.  In the meantime, their friends and relatives must live with the uncertainty and hope of finding what happened to their loved ones, sometimes for many years. Having someone go missing is a devastating experience that can have an overwhelming impact on family and friends.

The Vancouver Police have dedicated Detectives in the Missing Person Unit that work tirelessly on historical missing person and unsolved human remain cases.  In Vancouver there are presently over 250 unsolved missing person and unidentified human remain cases and these cases are being shared with the public in hopes of generating more tips to find missing persons.

If you have information regarding any profiled cases (historical and unsolved cases only), please contact the Missing Person Unit Coordinator:


PHONE: 604.717.2530